We are so excited about our newest contest to win a Perfect Start Bundle from VitaCup, and we hope you are too!
This sweepstakes allows you to enter to win one of 15 prizes by sending us a short video of "what you would do with an extra boost". We have had a few questions from our customers about how to shoot their entries, and we wanted to share some tips to make it easy!
How to Film A Sweepstakes Entry Video
1.) Film the video on a cell phone camera application. You don't need to be Steven Spielberg! The video can be super simple or as in-depth as you want! Here are some quick filming tips to get the best result!
- Shoot horizontal, not upright
- Make sure you are in a quiet place so we can hear you
- Review the video to make sure everything got recorded correctly
2.) Upload to your Extra Boost video to your favorite social media site
- YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Vimeo, or Vine all work!
- Having trouble uploading your video? Email us with any questions or concerns at customerservice@vitacup.com and put "Extra Boost Giveaway" in the subject line.
3.) Fill out the form below with all information, including the link to your video on one of the approved sites.
Example Sweepstakes Videos
Need some inspiration? We've gathered a few examples of people describing what they do or would like to do with their Extra VitaCup boost.
Are you inspired yet? We hope so! Make sure to fill out the form below and stay tuned to see if you are a winner!
I drink Genius Blend with filtered water first thing up in the morning. I sit outside in my back yard and enjoy the wonderful cinnamon taste and at 60 years old and still a full time demanding job some days it’s the only time that I have to myself. I also enjoy a cup of your Green Tea every mid afternoon and use it to boost me through the rest of the day. I do cardio most evenings and the double boost of Genoius Blend that helps my joints and flexibility and extra energy that I get through the day helps me to control my weight and I don’t feel sore in the evenings anymore. I’ve used the Vitablend since i first saw it advertised and have now had most of my family members purchasing online promos of your wonderful health driven pods. When i first saw the Geniousnblend advertised i
Immediately purchased a few boxes and now take them with me when I travel. Your products are truly life changing and i hope that you continue to increase your products with more healthy options because your products are life changing. I LOVE your Genious Blend Medium. It’s gets my day going and it provides me with so much confidence as I am assured that I’m giving my complete body all of the nutrients that I need to help me all the way through a healthy day. I’m your biggest fan and promoter.
Love your company’s mission. I wish everyone has the opportunity to increase their lifestyle by using your Genious Blend.
Don Barker
VitaCup is my new weapon against fatigue , combined with Coconut Oil is my new way of addressing my health and mental clarity.
More energy would help me to stay focused more on the things I love to do!
I just wanted to say my vitacup has really helped me. I’m 76 and have fallen 6 times in a month and half. I had gotten where I had no energy at all and I guess it was from all the falls. But I started on drinking my Vita and it didn’t take long to where I felt so much better and I’d say the energy I had was amazing. Even my son noticed how I was moving around so much better. Thank you Vitacup.